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A Journey to Self Discovery Angelica Lentoni

“A Journey to Self Discovery” is Now Available on Amazon!

Do self-defeating thoughts characterize your daily conversations with yourself? Are you tired of this long-playing and non-stop barrage of discouraging emotions that plague you especially during times when all you need is a simple boost of your morale to accomplish the simplest of tasks? Do you find yourself in endless comparison with others and ending up feeling defeated and lacking in every way? That when you look to yourself, all you see are scars from your past, wounds that refuse to heal, and deeply embedded mistakes and regrets. Are you struggling to see a bright future ahead of you because you feel trapped in your past and imprisoned by all the things that have gone wrong in your life and that caused you to believe that there is no getting out from this. It’s all downhill from where you are and there is no going back to change things...Read More
Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica

10 Easy Ways to Glow Up Inside Out That Really Work!

I am very excited to share with you all some easy tips and tricks to glow up and feel gorgeous. I am personally always very busy with a toddler, but finding some time to feel good about myself is essential to me. I’m not talking about super tricky tasks, but easy day do day things you can do that will improve your mood, your energy, and the way you perceive yourself. Let’s be honest; how others perceive us has a lot to do with the way we see ourselves. Here are ten ways to glow up inside out that I practice myself...Read More