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Books Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica

My Books

Hello beauties!

Below is a list of all the books I’ve written on a variety of subjects that I’m passionate about since I embarked on this journey.

Please take a look and let me know your thoughts below!

Xo – Angelica

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PS – Make sure to also check out the following pages:

Check Out The Audio Sample Below!

Book Synopsis

Do self-defeating thoughts characterize your daily conversations with yourself?

Are you tired of this long-playing and non-stop barrage of discouraging emotions that plague you especially during times when all you need is a simple boost of your morale to accomplish the simplest of tasks?

Do you find yourself in endless comparison with others and ending up feeling defeated and lacking in every way? That when you look to yourself, all you see are scars from your past, wounds that refuse to heal, and deeply embedded mistakes and regrets.

Are you struggling to see a bright future ahead of you because you feel trapped in your past and imprisoned by all the things that have gone wrong in your life and that caused you to believe that there is no getting out from this. It’s all downhill from where you are and there is no going back to change things.

The inability to BREAK AWAY from all these is not due to the fact that you can’t. It’s truly because you won’t. 

If you want to truly live your life as you are meant to, reach greater heights and achieve wondrous things even beyond your wildest dreams, you need to turn 180 degrees away from all these suffocating negativity and run towards acceptance and re-discovery of who you are. You owe it to yourself to at least try.

Let me tell you what’s waiting for you in the end: the experience of celebrating who you are and what you are capable of. Now isn’t that something worth looking forward to.

All you need to do is to open up and take the first few steps, be committed in your journey as you prepare for what lies ahead.

This amazing book will walk alongside you as you delve deep and face the very reasons why you are who you are today, hindered by what you had to go through in the past. It may cause you to revisit old wounds and feel them again, but trust that the traverse will not go wasted.

The understanding will bring you to the very BREAKTHROUGH that you need, to CHANGE the trajectory of your life. It will set you on the path that will TRANSFORM you from the inside out and culminate to embracing who you are and CELEBRATING what makes you, YOU.

Now go and turn that page and start your journey towards self-discovery. You won’t regret it.

Get your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button right now!

Audiobook Reviews

If you have been thinking that self-love is the latest buzz-word in self-esteem, this audio-book will change your mind. We all have good days and bad days, but this audio-book let me first understand the term self-love – and how exploring feelings is a way to becoming aware of the emotions that flood our everyday lives and how being able to recognize emotions lets me understand myself and others. Because this is an audio-book, I was able to reflect on not just my strengths and pet peeves, but think about how my culture affects how I am feeling and how I perceive important relationships.
Excellent resource! Very practical and inspirational information. In each of our lives, we all go through many different phases. Good, bad, happy, sad, lost, found, confident, and unsure are just a few of those feelings caused by situations or our state of mind. This audio-book is the perfect workbook to help discover how to love your true self in any situation. There are many, many exercises to work through to help you discover yourself. Highly recommend!
I learned so much listening to this audio-book! It couldn’t have come at a better time as I’ve really been struggling to foster a positive mindset with the obstacles I’ve been facing. Angelica Lentoni did a great job breaking down the main causes of a negative mindset and how to turn those around. I gained so much value from this book and will definitely be referencing it as I continue pursuing my dreams.
Melissa Law
Truly life-changing! This audio-book is engaging and actually encouraging to keep at it. This truly has helped me to get to the ROOT of issues and heal in a way I never imagined. Save the therapist money and devote yourself to completing this audio-book, but pace yourself and don’t hold back! It’s awesome to go back to reference too for a quick uplift when needed!
Ellis Potts

Kindle/Paperback Reviews

I've read a lot of books that promise a lot. They make becoming a new person and overcoming emotional habits seem easy. Too easy. The problem is when I try to follow those other books, things don't change for me. It's not for lack of trying either. It's like I just step into one rabbit hole after another and before I know it, I give up. This book's different since it not only gives me the right context and background, it breaks down steps I can take now... not to tomorrow. Thanks, Angelica, for coming through with a set of steps I can use for a better tomorrow!
Marshall Sullivan
Unlike other books I've read in this category, this book doesn't go heavy on the 'social science' or psychology of personal change. It's scientific, don't get me wrong but it presents it in a non-intimidating way. No wonder, the main impression I got when I read through this book is "It's not only possible but I can make it happen." Believe me, that's not exactly impression I get from most of the other self-help books I've read involving this topic. Thanks for publishing this great mix of practical advice and science-based tips I can take action on today instead of waiting for tomorrow.
Margo McClendon
Without being too heavy. I didn't get the feeling I was being lectured to by a Psych professor or being coddled by a touchy feely 'guru.' Enough info for a start. More than what I can say for other books I've bought in this category. Am I impressed? You bet!
Dylan Hearn
I thought that it would be similar to the other books on self-sabotage and low self-esteem I've bought on Kindle. I'm glad to admit I'm wrong. Instead of the tired pattern of 'tips' backed by studies or just general guidance you can get from your girlfriends or mom, Angelica offers something different. She uses both a Big Picture view of why women suffering from self-limiting thoughts and attitudes and practical step by step actions anyone can take today. I wasn't ready for how practical this book is. Instead of telling me "I can do it," it opens the door and walks me through the steps.
D. C.
%Certified Makeup Artist & Beauty Influencer %Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica

Life is in limbo- no certainty, affected by variables that we can’t control. Your current life might be killing you. Living a toxic lifestyle is detrimental to health and prosperity. 

Example – Insecurity and lack of love in your conjugal relationship can result in depressionA job you don’t enjoy doing, a neighborhood you don’t feel comfortable living in, a social circle that does not support and motivate you will have damaging effects on your life and health.

You need to make changes if you want to be:

  • Happier 
  • Unleash your full potential to become successful in life. 

This guide is your cure. Here, we give you the steps to a complete overhaul to start afresh.

Let this guide give you the hacks to a New Life. Through Chapter 1 to 5, we will be discussing:

  • What habits/actions are weighing you down and/or holding you back on a conscious/subconscious level 
  • The negative effects of “Dwelling in the past”
  • How positive thinking can affect healthy living
  • How minor changes in your daily habits and thought process can result in a complete overhaul of your current lifestyle
  • How you can control your emotions for better decision making

Get your FREE copy today by clicking the button right now!

%Certified Makeup Artist & Beauty Influencer %Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica

If you’re simply too busy to learn in-depth makeup techniques but want to look your very best, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve put together a quick, practical, and easy to follow guide for women who want to look awesome in minutes.

Every Woman’s Makeup Essentials: How To Apply Makeup Like A Pro gives you a quick primer on all the basics you need to know.

This book will show you how to:

 * Properly take care of your skin: from cleansing to moisturizing to post-makeup cleanup

* Pick the right makeup based on your skin type

* Apply foundation, put on lashes and lipstick, among other daily makeup steps

I made sure that my guide focuses solely on the makeup issues most women deal with day to day.

You will get the headstart you need, based on key fundamentals, so you can look great everyday without having to spend hours in front of a mirror.

I’ve boiled down all my years of experience helping clients as a makeup and beauty expert into this guide for women.

Whether you’re busy with a jet-setting career, juggling mommy duties, or balancing school and home life, my guide is sure to save you time and effort.

Easy to read, easy to follow, and 100% actionable today, Every Woman’s Makeup Essentials: How To Apply Makeup Like A Pro will teach you how to look your best without spending a fortune.

Best of all, my guide is 100% FREE to you just for being our customer!

Click on the button below to purchase AURA – Professional 30 Pcs Makeup and Skincare Brush Set by GLOWNIQUE and start mastering your makeup artistry with this book today!

I will guide you every step of the way! This is my PROMISE to you!

Follow me for more Glow Up Lifestyle tips, vlogs and tutorials!

%Certified Makeup Artist & Beauty Influencer %Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica

Join Glow Up Squad today and receive my new book ME 2.0 (Every Woman's Quick Start Guide To A Brand New Life) as a FREE gift to you just for signing up.

PS: You will also get my best practices, tips, hacks and recommendations in makeup, skincare, beauty, fashion and much much more!

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%Certified Makeup Artist & Beauty Influencer %Glow Up Lifestyles by Angelica